Well, the answer for the most part is going to be "No" but it is certainly better than nothing. To the criminal that is not very determined and is looking for an easy grab, a sign may be just enough to make them pass by for another target. To a more experienced or more determined criminal, a sign alone will not cut it.
So many of these criminals are aware that people use signs and stickers all the time and really do not have a system. Many times these criminals will "case" the target, looking for camera locations, control pads, door/window contacts, and motion/IR detection systems. They may test the system by breaking/prying a window or door and monitor response times of the police in the area. It is difficult to deter this type of criminal with just a sticker or sign. They know what to look for and have a good idea how long they can remain before there will be a response.
What if your residence or business is in a rural or out-of-the-way area? Even a not-so-intelligent criminal knows that response times in these areas are going to be really, REALLY slow-to-non-existent. This is with an alarm or NOT. What to do?
There are many things you can do. If you do not have an alarm system, get one. They are relatively inexpensive to have installed and very inexpensive to have monitored. If you are in an area that has a rapid armed alarm service such as ours, get it. We GUARANTEE a response to EVERY alarm in a very quick manner. There is some incredible piece of mind to be gained from knowing that someone is looking out for YOU and you alone.
A dog is an incredible deterrent to crime. Many criminals will quickly find another target if a dog is involved. Lighting....get some good area lighting to illuminate the exterior of your home. Criminals do not like to be seen. Keep shrubbery/plants well trimmed around your home/office and eliminate or minimize "hide spots" where a criminal can operate relatively unseen. Surveillence cameras are also a great option and the prices have come down significantly. Again, criminals do not like to be seen.
Of course, make sure you have quality latches and hardware on your doors and windows to impede a criminals attempts to gain access. It would be nice if they were actually locked, too. So many times criminals gain easy access through unlocked windows and doors. And do not leave your garage door open overnight. That is like a Golden Corral for would-be thieves.
Until next time....